Career Goal Statement

Hello everyone, 

I strive to be the best at it all. Work, school, hobbies, you name it, my goal is to be the best there is. Now I know many would say that what I'm claiming to be is quite unrealistic but when challenged against someone with similar expertise as I have, I am confident I would come out victor. 

My long term career goal is to someday own my own architecture firm, a large, respected successful firm. To me this is challenge above all others I have set myself  up to, it’s something I will have to work for years and years to come, but to me it’s worth the time, effort, schooling, and anything else I will have to go through to achieve this goal. I remember my first year of high school; I took an architecture class and realized I had a natural talent for it. Not only was I good in this skill set but I also enjoyed it more than anything else in school. During that course I made up my mind that I would become an architect someday.

At the moment I am working on becoming an architectural drafter, this is my main short term goal, which I hope to achieve in about 1 year. I am taking the required course for this at Clark College. In the meantime I am hoping to find an internship at an architectural firm to gain hands on experience and acquire new skills. 

Before starting my course at Clark College, I took architectural drafting classes at the Clark Center Skills Center where I gained all the skills in architecture that I currently have. During these two years I participated in few competitions where placed 1st in class every time. I am looking forward to be challenge more and more as I work on becoming an architect and especially when I finally become one. 


Bogdan Lyashevskiy
713 NE 102nd AVE
Vancouver WA 98664

Brandon Jones                                                 Manager at Current Place of Employment
8700 NE Vancouver Mall Dr,
Vancouver, WA 98662

Bray Johnson                                                   Supervisor
16420 SE McGillivray Blvd
Vancouver WA

Tom Whittingham                                            Skills Center Teacher
12200 NE 28th St,
 Vancouver, WA
(360) 604-1050

Sandy Frischman                                             Friend as well as past employer
711 NE 102nd AVE
Vancouver WA 98664

Transcript, So far

Welcome Bogdan Lyashevskiy

TUE, FEB 19, 2013                CLARK COLLEGE                                 
                         UNOFFICIAL STUDENT TRANSCRIPT                         
LYASHEVSKIY BOGDAN N                                                           
713 NE 102ND AVENUE                                                            
VANCOUVER        WA 98664                                                      
 TERM     COURSE ID         -------- TITLE --------       GRADE      CREDITS      
 WIN11    BUS   203         DESCRIPTIVE STATS               A-          3.0    
          PE    115         WEIGHT TRAINING-GEN'L I         S           1.0    
          PSYC& 100         GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY              B+          5.0    
 Qtrly:     Gpa Cr   8.0  Cr Earn   9.0  P/S Cr   1.0  Grpts   27.6  GPA 3.45     
 SPR12    ENGL& 102         ENGLISH COMPOSITION II          B           5.0    
 Qtrly:     Gpa Cr   5.0  Cr Earn   5.0  P/S Cr   0.0  Grpts   15.0  GPA 3.00  

Work Sample- 1st Floor Plan

School Work Example: Essay

 Bogdan Lyashevskiy
Engl 102: Craig
Video Games: Not As Bad As Rumor Say They Are.